Border: Everyone’s ‘Problem’

The meaning of the word ‘border’ can be defined in a variety of ways. Depending on whom you ask. For example, if you were to ask Donald Trump, he would quickly say “build a wall!” The nation is divided about his words. Some believe the wall is a great idea, and they are hopeful it will help our country in many ways. Others believe it is wrong, and that we should be helping them in any way we can. The argument is NOT the cut and dry. There are so many more factors to take into account. Currently, America is being bombarded with Haitian immigrants trying to enter the United States. What are we to do? There are literally thousands, with more traveling this way, trying to enter. This is a problem we are currently facing, yet many Americans have no idea it is even happening.

Haiti After Hurricane 2015

Haiti After Hurricane

The United States is a wonderful nation known for its freedom. Since the states became united, people have tried to be a part of this great country. With the rise in drug smuggling, human trafficking, and other crimes, the US has become more protective and selective about who enters. Mexicans, until recently, have been responsible for the majority of immigration into the US. The last year, and more in the last few months, the “problem” hasn’t just been the Mexicans trying to cross the border, but now, Haitians. After the 2015 hurricane devastated their country, thousands of Haiti’s people have fled. Currently, there are thousands of Haitian migrants in Tijuana trying to enter the United States. Mexican immigration agencies in Tijuana have crowds of people crowding and lining up at their door, trying to get a ticket for a meeting with immigration workers. It is like a battle ground for desperate families trying to find a way into America, land of the free. There is shouting, pushing, and fighting amongst their people, just to get in the immigration line for a chance at US entry, with no guarantees. Those already in the line are clinging to one another to make sure no one cuts in front of them. Their dream is something Americans sometimes take for granted.

Haiti 2015 after Hurricane

Haiti 2015

Not all went to Mexico in hopes of crossing the border into America; some traveled thousands of miles to countries like Brazil, Costa Rica, and Nicaragua to name a few. Originally, Brazil welcomed them until it became an economic issue for their country. They had to rethink their open door policy. This is another reason so many are trying to get into the states. Other countries like Africa have had some immigrants try to enter their country as well. Africa has actually captured Haitians trying to enter illegally. This has become a real problem for many countries, and there is no simple solution. In Tijuana, local migrant shelters have been full for months. They have hundreds of hopeful families that escaped their impoverished country. Sadly, these men, women, and children have no other place to go. They have no money, and many are in poor health. Shelters are over capacity, trying to accommodate the migrants, but there is only so much they can do. They are being forced to turn down pregnant women, babies, children, and elderly people that need assistance. Workers say the shelters are chaotic, and there aren’t enough beds or space for that matter. Many Haitians are forced to sleep on cardboard on the streets of Mexico. The only thing these families have is each other and their faith. They are scared, hungry, tired, frustrated, homeless, but somehow remain hopeful. Sadly, most of the Haitian migrants have no idea that IF they do gain access to the United States, they will likely be held in detention centers until they are deported. Even the detention centers where they are being detained are overcrowded.

Haitian Immigrants with a baby

Haitian Immigrants

With all the devastation Haiti has experienced over the years, they deserve to move forward.   Hurricane Matthew is the worst disaster since the 2010 earthquake. Haiti has suffered so much from these natural disasters. Their people want, and desperately need to move forward and rebuild. These immigrants are eager to work in attempt to provide for their families. They need to care for their families, but how can they do this when every country they seek assistance from is more or less turning them away? This challenge is something the United States is trying to remedy, but it is NOT easy. The U.S. State Department said they’re working with other governments on coming up with a solution. Countries like the United States are NOT turning these desperate people away to be heartless, or because they are trying to ignore the problem. The US does want to help. We are a caring nation, but it is hard to find a way to help everyone that comes to our country for a better life. Illegal immigrants cost the government billions of dollars each year. This is money paid by the taxpayers. Many have opinions, but few provide the financial, emotional, and physical support needed to assist on this large scale.

Haitians Fleeing by Boat 2015

Haitians Fleeing by Boat

So, you tell me…what should America do? How can we help everyone? This is a crisis, and thousands of Haitians need help now. They deserve a safe place to sleep, healthcare, and the resources needed to provide for their families. The time is ticking for these desperate, yet hopeful people.

Haitians trying to cross border into US

Haitians trying to cross border into US

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